Ready. Set. ActionYour 30-day action plan for social media marketing.Review HereReview the planTake a few minutes to review each day's post title, description, and goal. Make sure it aligns with your brand and marketing goals.Approve or DenyIndicate whether you accept or reject each day's post. We value your input, so please provide any feedback you may have.SubmitSubmit your approval or denial along with any feedback. Your response is critical in ensuring we create content that aligns with your brand's vision. Spectrum Fitness Productions Action PlanDay 1 - Motivation MondayDescription: Zeem Development will share a motivational quote or message to inspire your followers to train hard and prepare for upcoming competitions. Goal for this post: Increase FollowersApproveDenyDay 2 - Transformation TuesdayDescription: Zeem development will post a before-and-after photo of a past competition participant, highlighting the transformation that can occur through proper training and dedication. Goal for this post: Boost engagementApproveDenyDay 3 - Competition WednesdayDescription: Zeem development will highlight a specific upcoming bodybuilding competition, sharing information on registration, location, and other details. Goal for this post: Drive website trafficApproveDenyDay 4 - Throwback ThursdayDescription: Zeem development will share a photo or video from a past bodybuilding competition, showcasing the energy and excitement of the event. Goal for this post: Drive website trafficApproveDenyDay 5 - Fitness FridayDescription:Zeem development will post a new workout routine or training tip specifically tailored towards competition preparation. Goal for this postBoost engagementApproveDenyDay 6 - Weekend WarriorDescription: Zeem development will encourage your followers to attend a local bodybuilding competition over the weekend, providing information on nearby events and how to purchase tickets. Goal for this post: Drive website trafficApproveDenyDay 7 - Selfie SundayDescription: Zeem Development will post a photo of someone training or preparing for an upcoming competition, inspiring your followers to do the same. Goal for this post: Boost engagementApproveDenyDay 8 - Motivation MondayDescription: Zeem development will share a motivational message or story from a successful bodybuilding competitor, emphasizing the importance of hard work and perseverance. Goal for this post: Boost engagementApproveDenyDay 9 - Transformation TuesdayDescription: Zeem development will share another before-and-after photo of a past competition participant, highlighting the changes that can occur through consistent training and dedication. Goal for this post: Boost engagementApproveDenyDay 10 - Throwback ThursdayDescription: Zeem development will share another photo or video from a past bodybuilding competition, showcasing the growth and evolution of the sport. Goal for this post: Drive website trafficApproveDenySend Message